poem by
In partition, not physically of willingness
-the country departed
Out of his outer consciousness-
cosmic consciousness-
none of his mistakes.
Reactions - natural reaction- reflections
refugee, unborn, unwanted, unhearable
penatrative towards the victorian hangover
of the Tagorian corruption of thinking.
Life was more important for him
the god of victorian tagorian thinking.
Hence he was rejected from the bengalian thinking
Ritwik ghatak- the name doesn't suit
the heirarchic thinking of
the rayanian Zamindarian thinking.
Perhaps the long acho of the forgotton factors
that becomes reminiacences of
the ' Death of a sales man ' or otherwise
the long columns and the nomore chabi biswas.
Cardiac arrest is common
The death of ghatak was uncommon.
Nay, Ritwik Ghatak
I remember, a tall man
his hands moving around my shoulders,
Catching me with the feeling of nearness
rather than imperialism-
The man who stands before me
Qustioning my manliness
loosing his hands to shake my hands
In appreciation of manliness
recongnising each other
Kicking on my an's and telling me
" Get up awake shoot "
I remember, not with sentiments.
With awakening proud, Ritwik Ghatak.
let me cell you Ritwik Daa,
i know that you are nomore
But Iam, alive for you.
Believe me.
When the seventh seal is opened
I will use my camera as my gun
and sure, the echo of the sound
will reverberate in your bones,
and feed back to me my inspiration.
Thank you Ritwik Daa.
iam thinking you
not with importency and insipidity.
eternally you are
in my brain
in my spirit and
in my Holy Ghost
( amen )